Set the Stage for Focusing

Plus some new LIVE spaces!

Hi there,

Creating a focus friendly space

You probably already follow mini “rituals” when starting and ending your deep work sessions, but have you thought about the importance of “setting the stage” for focusing?

Creating a focus friendly space is KEY to keeping you both motivated and on track while working through your day (or night!)

Here’s 3 of the best tips the team has to offer:

1. 🔎 Choose the right location

  • Finding the right area to start focusing is incredibly important - we recommend setting up your workspace near a window to soak in lots of that natural light. As the day progresses, you can take quick breaks and rest your eyes by gazing out the window.

2. 🎛️ Adjust your noise levels

  • Are you someone who focuses best in quiet, or do you like a little background noise? Select a spot that suits your needs - if you don’t know, try out our Soundboard - we have tons of premium ambient sounds to get you started.

3. 📱 Manage digital distractions

  • Limit your notifications, people! I know it’s hard to disconnect these days, but maintaining a workspace with minimal notifications truly helps keep your mind on track and in context. Open LifeAt on a monitor when you’re ready to block out some time to work and leave your phone in another room (if you can 😅)

I surveyed three of our team members about how they curate their own focus spaces:

  • Danny - Be flexible! “I usually have my laptop connected to a monitor & a keyboard at desk, but I often take the laptop and work on a sofa or a dining table when I feel stuck. I feel like being fixated at one spot can hurt focus.”

  • Devin - Refresh to recharge! - “Make clearing your desk before getting to work a fun exercise to get a quick win under your belt - start your day strong”

  • Daniel - Quiet time & good coffee! - “For me (my focus space includes) making sure my pups have done their potties (so they don't disturb me) and having a nice cup of coffee (make sure it's decaf during the night!)”

[New] LifeAt due dates & delete all completed tasks

  • Introducing an easier way to delete all completed tasks! Out of sight, out of mind 🍃 At the bottom of your task list, hit “…” and select “delete completed tasks”

  • Due dates are here! These due dates will appear on your calendar to remind you when things are due 🔔

Assign due dates

Delete all completed tasks

LIVE spaces are … LIVE!

The Sea Otters are the team fav!

LifeAt reader’s spotlight

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👾 Real or AI

And now for another round of: Real or AI? Cast your vote below to see if you’ve got what it takes to tell the difference 🕵️ 

Which is real?

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Until next time,

The LifeAt Team 🌱

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